A man's life can be described in exactly 8 minutes and 13 seconds. That is how long it took me to compile tonight's entry and it was all done while listening to one of my favourite songs, written by a band called Jupiter Ace.
Adversity, to my despair, has been one my life's main characteristics. Rejection was abundant and violence came in a plethora. On my 33rd birthday however, I have come to realise that all this adversity has turned me into an elitist and plunged deep inside me the firm belief that I and I alone (per Friedrich Nietzsche's sayings) had to fight with monsters.
Therefore tonight's log is not about me but goes to the man by the name of N. Cane; a man rejected time and again but who learned to love those who rejected him by appreciating life. Citizen Cane taught me how to try instead of fighting, how to strive instead of succumbing to grief, how to love instead of hate.
What a strange thing, life is citizen Cane. In all your humility you seem more glorious and courageous to me than ever, since you've ameliorated a despondent man and turned him into a man who hopes for a different dream.
Keep loving your children the way you do. And all this was written in 8 minutes and 13 seconds. A bit longer than it usually takes you to drop me an email and buy my wood ...
New Year's Eve was meant to glorify the unsung hero. It was meant ... for you ...
Adversity, to my despair, has been one my life's main characteristics. Rejection was abundant and violence came in a plethora. On my 33rd birthday however, I have come to realise that all this adversity has turned me into an elitist and plunged deep inside me the firm belief that I and I alone (per Friedrich Nietzsche's sayings) had to fight with monsters.
Therefore tonight's log is not about me but goes to the man by the name of N. Cane; a man rejected time and again but who learned to love those who rejected him by appreciating life. Citizen Cane taught me how to try instead of fighting, how to strive instead of succumbing to grief, how to love instead of hate.
What a strange thing, life is citizen Cane. In all your humility you seem more glorious and courageous to me than ever, since you've ameliorated a despondent man and turned him into a man who hopes for a different dream.
Keep loving your children the way you do. And all this was written in 8 minutes and 13 seconds. A bit longer than it usually takes you to drop me an email and buy my wood ...
New Year's Eve was meant to glorify the unsung hero. It was meant ... for you ...
For my dear friend Shawn and his family ...
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